Ruslan Russian 3 Support
This page contains links to supporting materials for the Ruslan 3 course: texts of listening passages that are not printed in the book, additional sound, keys to the exercises, links to useful sites.

Lesson 1 Listening. Larissa re pensioners in Russia, page 15
Key to Lesson 1 Exercises, page 19
Key to Lesson 1 Aspect Revision Exercises, page 25
Sound for Lesson 1 Exercise 6, page 20
Key to Lesson 2 Exercises, page 37
Key to Lesson 3 Exercises, page 50
Key to Lesson 3 Revision of verbs of motion, page 58
Lesson 3 Listening. Misha talking about the banya, page 45
Key to Lesson 4 Exercises, page 71
Key to Lesson 4 Case Revision. Instrumental, page 79
Key to Lesson 4. War poetry. Pages 65-68
Lesson 4 Listening. Nickolai Lipatov talking about wars in Russia, page 63
Key to Lesson 5 Exercises, pages 89-91
Lesson 5 Listening. Misha talking about vodka, page 84
Key to Lesson 6 Exercises, pages 104-106
Lesson 6 Listening. Misha talking about Lake Baikal, page 100
Lesson 6. Photos of Lake Baikal
Key to Lesson 7 Exercises, pages 124-126
Lesson 7 Listening. Misha talking about the Ukraine, page 122
Key to Lesson 8 Exercises, pages 141-143
Lesson 8 Listening. Olga talking about the pioneers, page 134
Lesson 8 Listening. Nickolai talking about the Orthodox Church, page 138
Lesson 9. YouTube video of С Маршак "Багаж". Page 151
Lesson 9. YouTube video of С Маршак "Багаж" with subtitles. Page 151
(The image of the shaggy dog (взъерошенный пёс) is misleading!)

Lesson 9 Listening. Conversation with Misha about terrorism. Page 154
Key to Lesson 9 Exercises, pages 157-159
Key to Lesson 9 Language Practice 4. Republics exercise
Recipe for Borsch, page 162
Lesson 10. Text of the conversation with Larisa about Luzhkov, page 168
Lesson 10. Misha Kukushkin about winter in Siberia, page 169
Key to Lesson 10 Exercise 1, page 170
Key to Lesson 10 Exercises, pages 176-177
Lesson 10. Conversation with Larisa about Colorado beetles, page 180
Lesson 10. Conversation with Olga about getting a visa, page 180
Lesson 10 Text of the Timur Shaov song page 184

Ukraine post 2005
Information about Ukraine in the 2005 edition of Ruslan 3 is out of date. Here is a timeline of major events in Ukraine post 2005.
Ukraine timeline 2005-2014

Ukraine recordings
The text about Ukraine was changed slightly in the October 2015 reprint of Ruslan 3 and the sound recording (Disk 2, Track 39) was changed at the same time. Inevitably some learners will have the new text and the old recording, and vice versa. To help with this both recordings are below as mp3 files.
Ukraine 2005 recording
Ukraine 2015 recording

Useful links
Lesson 4. Full text of the Рождественский poem «Реквием»

Lesson 5. You will find a lot of information on the Internet about the closure of the БЦБК. Here is a link to the official announcement of the opening of an «Экспоцентр» on the site.
and below is a photo of the new centre:

Lesson 6. Сохраним Байкал. Useful additional information about Baikal conservation.