Ruslan Recordings on MP3. Swedish version.
English version
Almost all the Swedish versions of Ruslan 1, 2 and 3 use the same sound recordings as for the English version.
These recordings are free of charge as MP3 files, either to use online or to download. If you need audio CDs, please use the webshop.
Ruslan 1 Course Book Sound Recordings. Third edition 2021 reprint
. The recordings of the course dialogues and other main texts.
Ruslan 1 Course Book Sound Recordings. Third edition 2013
. The recordings of the course dialogues and other main texts.
Ruslan Russian 1 "www" files. Third edition 2013
. The items marked "www" in the Ruslan 1 Course Book and some other recordings as well.
Ruslan Russian 1 Workbook Sound Recordings
Ruslan Russian 2 Course Book Sound Recordings
. The course dialogues and other main texts.
Ruslan Russian 2 Workbook Sound Recordings
Ruslan Russian 3 Sound Recordings
. All the texts, songs and poems from Ruslan Russian 3. If you need the 3 CD set please use the webshop.