Ruslan Russian 1. John Langran and Natalya Veshnyeva
The Ruslan 1 course book (176 pages, full colour) tells the story of Ivan, Lyudmila, Peter and Vadim in Moscow, as well as the "typical foreigner" whose escapades show up some of the misunderstandings that can occur when travelling in Russia. In the reading sections Igor is in Saint Petersburg.

There are 10 lessons with lively, humorous dialogues, clear grammar explanations, reading, listening and writing exercises, songs and poems for learners and language games for the classroom. Ruslan 1 is easily equivalent to the Council of Europe A1 standard for foreign language competence.

High quality recordings of all the dialogues and listening exercises are free of charge as MP3 downloads from . The recording artists include members of the Rossica Choir, Saint Petersburg. An audio CD is available for those who need one.

Ruslan 1 Student Workbook
112 pages A4 format. Black and white. 203 exercises linked to the Ruslan 1 Russian course book, including vocabulary exercises, gapfill exercises, exercises with pictures and reading and listening exercises. There is an introduction to the alphabet followed by 10 lessons in parallel with the Ruslan 1 course book, offering systematic practice and reinforcement. There is an answer key at the back of the book.

Recordings for the listening exercises with a wide range of voices are free at The recordings are also on a CD which is available separately.

Ruslan 1 Video Cartoons
The Ruslan 1 dialogues, texts, songs and poems have been animated to give a glorious overview of the story line: "Better than the Simpsons!". The 50 minutes of high quality cartoons, with and without subtitles in Russian, are free online . There is also a double DVD set.

Ruslan 1 Book ISBN 9781899785827 - WITH FREE ONLINE AUDIO!
Ruslan 1 Audio CD ISBN 9781899785841
Ruslan 1 WorkbookISBN 9781912397013 - WITH FREE ONLINE AUDIO!
Ruslan 1 Workbook Audio CDISBN 9781912397020
Ruslan 1 Cartoons Double DVD Set ISBN 9781899785988

Ruslan Russian 1 eBook
This is an online version of the Ruslan 1 course for PCs, tablets and phones. It uses new Nimble Learning technology provided by ELearning 247 and brings together all the elements of the Ruslan course listed above, along with interactive versions of the exercises. The Ruslan 1 eBook is ideal for learners working without a teacher.

Ruslan Russian 1 CD-ROM
(DTI Languages for Export Award 1999)
These prizewinning CDRoms are for 32 bit Windows, for example XP.